Friday, August 13, 2010

Starting new!

Today I got the key to my new 4th grade classroom! While exciting to move into a brand new room, this will be my 3rd classroom in only my fourth year of teaching! Fortunately, I think I'll be in this new room for a while (fingers crossed!).

Below is a picture of my room as I found it today with all of my boxes and furniture:
For me, it is really exciting to move into a classroom. Unpacking, decorating, organizing . . . all things I love to do. For this reason, I'm likely to be in my classroom working days in advance of when I actually have to be back. I'll be blasting my music, arranging and rearranging furniture, putting up bulletin boards, and cleaning up my files (nerd!). Yes, all of this really is fun for me.

Here are a couple more views of the new room:I'll be sure to post more pictures when it's all put-together and ready for a new batch of 4th graders. Here's to starting new!